Wednesday 5 June 2013

Electronic Wedding

Electronic Wedding...?
No, not Robots getting married......!
but my brother Robert is!

My music creation has been taken over the last couple of months with producing a short 'set' for my Brothers Wedding Reception, (the crazy evening bit after the boring formal stuff is out the way)

(I'm also playing violin for the actual ceremony bit)

Me being me, I didn't want to re-do old tracks (plus most of my tracks are dark and depressing, or at least too sarcastic or weird for a wedding)

So I've now got the music kit to do it live with (and a couple of visual surprises I'm working on - no I'm not playing naked)

The tracks are meant to represent a journey through music and life
or a musical journey
or a journey of life through music
or ... you get the idea....

I've pretty much completed three of the four tracks:

1: Love Life

love life

LOVE LIFE - Click to play

The 'love life' video is longer as I give a quick talk through of the equipment I'm using and how I'm using it to control elements of the track, as well as keyboard parts and vocals, to play live.

"love life" is meant as a big opening  (with orchestrated introduction) and a play on the words love-life  / or love LIFE

2: Journey

JOURNEY - Click to play

Journey has an Orb feel to it and musically and lyrically is a kind of journey through some of the things in me and my brothers lives (beach, fens, london etc)


3: "Everything"... still working on this one,  happy, upbeat, Pet Shop Boys style

4: Music of our lives

MUSIC OF OUR LIVES - Click to play

Upbeat dance floor pop to end with. The lyrics are a humorous trip through music and genres from 70's to present day


I've also been working on some other ideas that won't be used for the set and may or not end up on You tube etc... such as this one:

STRANGE STRANGER - Click to play
(strange stranger, that's me)

till next time!